Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl

Today I made ribs in the crock pot, mashed potatoes with garlic and green onions, along with some steamed asparagus.  We also had chips, fresh guacamole, assorted veggies with dilly dip (probably my favorite food ever), and black bean dip.

For dessert, I made Dark Chocolate Salted Caramel Oreo pie.

Here is the recipe:

The pie

Happy Sunday!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Go to hell, you know who you are. ***NSFW***

Everyone sucks.  I am so very tired of people that fuck other people over, then get to go on with their lives as if nothing happened.  I see sunshine and happiness for everyone else...those who did damage to others...yet they pretend like nothing happened.  Like they did not ruin lives, like they had no part.  I am not sure how to absorb the falsities they put forth.  Like nothing they did made an imprint in the Universe.  I want to tell them how evil and false they are, but what would that accomplish?  Does that just put my venom out there and in front of everyone?  How to people get to see their misdeeds?  Does it make it all mine?  Is it something that I need to address and not them?  I want them to feel humiliated, and alone.  I want them to question their decisions that were made at their core.  Why does this happen?  Why do those who have done wrong get to go on without restraint?  Is there something that I am missing?  It does not make sense for those who have carved a path of damage to move forward unscathed.  It’s been years.  I have been patient.  I’ve tried to improve - to be unmoved, to be better.  Yet…these whore bitches loudly move forward in their fake, subsidized parades...posting pictures, touting peace, faking love...when calamity is their legacy.  I hate them for their falsity.  And frankly, I am angry how angry I am.  What is happening?  I am honest and strong.  I know who I am.  And yet I let these nasty energies walk all over my heart and make me doubt me.  Fuck you.