Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bunco! Or is it BUNKO?

On Saturday, I hosted a St. Patrick's Day Bunco party. All told, there were a total of 13 women in my house (including me!). It was a great time. I made corned beef sammiches (brown the brisket in a non-stick pan with some oil and brown sugar - about 10 minutes on each side or until a little brown and carmelized. Put it in the crockpot, pour a can of Guiness on it, cover and cook on low for eight hours. Stellar.) and Irish coffee (one ounce {a shot} of Bushmills Irish whiskey, one heaping teaspoon of brown sugar - stir 'er up. Fill the mug with hot, fresh, strong coffee. Add a dollop of homemade whipping cream.). People brought lotsa good food and since the weather was so nice, we got to hang out on the patio on "breaks."
I had a bunch of silly St. Patty's Day decor - green candles, green glass "stones" everywhere, a rather scary looking leprechaun on the front door, shamrocks all over, green tablewhere, etc. etc. Everyone got a little baggie with goodies in it - my favorite was a light up shamrock necklace. Go Oriental Trading Company (seriously, check it out for all your cheap party needs - www.orientaltrading.com ).
Fun times had all around! Host your own bunco party! They are fun, easy, and a blast!

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