Saturday, June 7, 2014


My eyes are tired sick and clogged with a heaviness of to today's  transactions. Between the semi-imagined nightmares of those who today I reached, and the rushing, dusty, rusty, molting of today's menu of allergies, my delicate pained, veiled eyelids are fashioned of crumbly concrete. They ache with overuse and over-zealousnes. I yawn and they squint, barely squeezing out a dew drops of moisture...not enough to take the sharp edge off the haggard skin-on-eyeball connection. Time, past time, to close them for hours; one more moment open is a moment lost. Go to bed world! Turn off the electronica!  Forgo the rave, the hour, the deadline!  Sink in, breathe deep, wipe your eyes of today with a cool cloth and dream of days without these stone, smoky, cracked eyeballs.

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