Sunday, June 15, 2014

Kids' Night

Kids' Night 2014 is in the books.

This year we had 8 kids, ranging in age from 10 to 4.

Roasted marshmallows in the spankin' new fire pit for s'mores. Now I need more wood!

Watched movies outside on the awesome outdoor a/v system my radical techie brother set up for us...6'x6' screen, huge speakers up on towers...We rocked the neighborhood!

The kids singing every word to the songs from "Frozen."  Why are we watching this movie if you already know every single word to every single song?

You can't tell how big it is, but that's some giant Monster's University!

Phew!  Best Kids' Night ever!  Pizza, popsicles, fire, movies, s'mores, dancing, popcorn, so many kids and blankets you can't see the floor, dog cookies, pop tarts, juice boxes, blueberry bagels, movie chairs and the telephone game.

Sam said this morning as he crawled into my lap, "Aunt Amy, I am so happy to be at your house right now."  Sigh.

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